Tuesday, September 2, 2014


We went to Nauvoo again this past weekend and it meant more than ever. We found the names of our relatives who died along the way to Salt Lake on the walls of the Pioneer Memorial. We learned how Philander Colton made bricks at the kiln. We saw the grave of Joel Scovil and one of the original sunstones carved by Charles Lambert.

We went to the Land and Records Office and stayed until they kicked us out saving names onto a cd along with maps of where they lived in Nauvoo and it was so fun to see how close to one another members of my side were with Jaymee's family. Some even shared lots! We went through a couple generations on Sienna's fan on my side and I was shocked to see that only about 4 couples out of maybe 30 or so didn't live in Nauvoo. I had no idea so many lived there!! What new meaning that town has for me.

Pictures and new info to come!!

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